Analog integrated circuit (IC) deals with the signals that vary from zero to full power supply voltage in contrary to the digital integrated circuit, which has no valid state between the extreme limits. The network of interconnected components constructed over single wafer of semiconductor material circuit is used to process, receive, and generate different level of output as the device operates. In addition to semiconductor IC manufacturing companies, analog circuits, also referred to as linear circuits, are used by students, hobbyists, and professional circuit designers for projects varying from low cost to high cost budget. The analog integrated circuit is used in the design of op-amps, linear regulators, phase locked loops, oscillators, and active filters. Therefore, electronic gadgets which uses components such as op-amp, oscillators, multi-vibrators, and audio amplifiers use analog integrated circuit as per the suitable input and output level.
Increase in use of analog IC in the LED applications such as traffic light indicator and data communication system for power efficiency is expected to drive the market growth. The use of analog IC in medical and healthcare electronics, green energy management for domestic and commercial buildings or premises fuel the growth of the IC market globally. The use of electronics in sophisticated engine and safety controls, navigation, audio/video systems, hybrid electric drives, and LED lighting in the automobile industry is expected to increase the demand for Analog IC market. Advancement of automotive industry in the countries such as the U.S., Australia, Norway, France, and Germany is also expected to positively impact the Analog IC market growth.
The use of advanced electronic devices in the healthcare industry, along with the advancement of IoT and its application with all smart electronic devices connected through network use analog ICs leveraging its efficient power consumption feature and signal processing ability drive the global market of analog ICs. These analog ICs are difficult to incorporate in the compact devices and economically limit the integration, which restrict the growth of the global market.
The advancement of technologies such as Internet of Things has introduced smart electronic devices which is expected to be used in almost all industrial verticals in existence which fuel the market growth in the future projected time. The developing economies with government policies of setting up of more electronic manufacturing units increase its share in the global market of analog IC.
The analog IC market is segmented by circuit type which is categorized into passive circuit and active circuit. On the basis of industrial vertical, the market is categorized into automotive, healthcare, consumer electronics, information technology, and telecommunication. On the basis of application, the market is classified into Op-AMP, linear regulators, oscillators, active filters, and phase locked loops. Based on region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
Some of the major players in the analog IC industry include Qualcomm Inc., Analog Devices Inc., Maxim Integrated Products Inc., Texas Instruments Inc., STMicroelectronics NV, Infineon Technologies AG, Richtek Technology Corporation, Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc., and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. These players majorly focus on merger & acquisitions and partnership strategies to stay competitive and gain market share in the analog IC market.
- This study includes the analytical depiction of the global analog IC market along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
- The report presents information regarding the key drivers, restraints, and opportunities.
- The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the financial competency of the industry.
- Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of the buyers and suppliers in the industry.
Analog IC Market Report Highlights
Aspects | Details |
By Circuit Type |
By Application |
By Industry Vertical |
By Region |
Key Market Players | Analog Devices Inc, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Infineon Technologies AG, Texas Instruments Inc, Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc, STMicroelectronics NV, Qualcomm Inc, Richtek Technology Corporation |
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